For those of you that follow my personal FB page, you'll know that my life has recently been turned upside-down and because of it, I haven't picked up my camera nearly as much as I used to. Once I saw the new
"Finding the Joy" workshop by Willette, I knew it was just what I needed to start seeing things more positively and to have the best reason of all to pick up my camera for myself again. Over the next 28 days, you'll see daily blog posts showing the people (and pets) I love!
The first assignment is "What They Do", so here is a little collection of images that I have taken this morning of what my kids (and dog) do.
My daughter still sucks her thumb (you may notice chocolate on her hand as well)
My son watches movies
My dog looks out the window constantly to keep us informed when every squirrel runs by
Together, they play and watch a movie
I love these, Sheree! I'm looking forward to following this journey with you and sharing your joy!