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Friday, June 1, 2012

Well, it sounded like a good idea....|Connecticut photographer

When I woke up last Friday and looked at the fog, I thought, "Let's get out of the house and go take some pictures at the lake". So I pick out some cute clothes for the kids, grab my camera and head out the door. When we get there, we are the only ones besides a couple of far off boats. The kids excitedly run down to the water, kick off their shoes and get their feet right in there. Of course, I immediately start shooting. As I get closer to the water though, I notice something.....a dead fish floating only a few feet from them. I turn to the left and there's another one in the sand just next to a little puddle of water with some truly gross funk (for lack of a better word) in it.
Well, now the kids are banned from the water (goes over really well). After they continually tried to stick their hands back in, I had to explain in detail which was probably too much for them, that if there are that many dead fish in the water it means there's a lot of bacteria. Bacteria means we could get really hospital sick (not that I want them to be paranoid, but yeah, I was paranoid).

So here they are enjoying the cool water...
Then I notice what's right next to them (see dead fish upper right.....also there's one floating next to them)
Now they're checking out their dirty hands....
Raigan is refusing a hug because Toby will touch her with said dirty hands....
 Raigan is disgusted with the dirtiness....haha

So you see, sometimes a simple trip to the beach turns into pictures that are more fun than I expected, even if we had to see some dead fish in the process. As soon as we got in the car, I gave them hand sanitizer and then washed their feet in the tub when we got home. Yeah, it was gross....

I've also been working on some new editing actions for myself, which explains why no 2 images are exactly the same :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The beauty that is right under your nose | Southeastern CT Portrait Photographer

Well, it's officially spring and my yard is getting out of control. It really needs to be mowed, but I never unplugged the battery for the lawn mower last winter so I'm sure something bad is in store for me....haha! The good news though is that since I haven't braved opening the shed (which is another hurdle in itself) to tame my 1.5 acres is that some really beautiful wildflowers have started to grow on the hill. They are hardly even noticeable from the window of my house, but when I drove up the driveway, there they were! The kids ran outside and started to pick them for me and were actually laying them across my camera lens as I was shooting (I have such sweet children). So here they are, in all their picturesque beauty. 

So take a look around at all the amazing little things that make up this world that are often overlooked. Let your kids run through a field (or your front yard) so they can experience and enjoy beauty for themselves. Don't forget to take time to enjoy it yourself too!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Super Spring Special | Connecticut Portrait Photographer

These last few days have been absolutely GORGEOUS! What's better than spending some quality time outside with your family in beautiful weather? I've definitely got spring fever and I want to share it with all of you. For a limited time, I'm giving everyone the opportunity to save $100! Book your session now and you'll get $50 off a regular session fee AND an extra $50 print credit to go with it. For details and booking, head over to my Contact page (up there on the right, right above the latest post) and send me a message by emailing me or take a look at my website or Facebook page! Remember, the sooner you book your session, the more likely you are to get the date you need. Also, Mother's Day is coming up....just a little reminder :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Project 365 Update | CT Photographer

Well, we are well into our third month over in the facebook group (which is actually much larger than I thought I would have. YAY!)  and I must say, everyone is really doing a fantastic job of following the themes. I'm seeing a lot of creativity and inspiration. Everyone has nice words to say about each other's work. It's nice to go through the latest uploads every day and see how the themes are interpreted and how we can all be inspired. I thought I'd share a few of the images I've used in this journey so far.  

Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby Danger | Southeastern, CT Newborn Photographer

Ok, so the title may have been confusing. This is not a post about babyproofing your home, although that is very important....I want you to meet Danger. Alright, his name isn't actually Danger, but that's what he was being called in the womb. After this couple found out they were having a boy, they wanted to call him something super masculine and what's more macho than "Danger"? Cute, yes? YES! Danger is 1 month old now and as I held him it dawned on me, even this one month old is smaller than my babies were at birth! Ok, so enough about my babies....
Danger and his mommy were enjoying a quiet day at home when I stopped over. I love the way new mommies (and I don't just mean first-time mommies) look at their tiny babies. I'm also a huge fan of the way babies curl right up on their mommies and feel so safe and happy. And, of course, I love when mommies let me photograph their little babies.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Logo, New attitude, and a huge THANK YOU! | Southeastern CT Photographer

After having my logo since I officially started my business in 2009, I realized it was time for a change. I think we've all noticed the ever-growing list of new photographers not just in CT, but nation-wide and the more logos I saw, the more I could see I needed to get my creative juices flowing again. Maybe I wasn't the first to have the idea of having a heart inside a camera lens, but I thought it was the perfect concept. My inspiration for it was actually a necklace I had which was a circle of wood with an offset red heart inside. After trying different ideas with a heart inside a circle, I thought that the circle could represent the lens of a camera. Genius, right? I had my sister-in-law, who is a pretty amazing graphic artist, design it for me and I LOVED it!

Have you ever noticed that when you just get a new car (or new to you), you suddenly start realizing how many of those cars are really on the road. It's shocking, right? Well, that's how it was with my old logo. Suddenly, I started noticing others with very similar designs. Then it seemed as if every time I came across a new photographer, they all had a heart inside a camera lens! So, I went back to the drawing board and came up with what you see above. I lost the camera because I think we all know that a camera is involved in what I do (haha) but kept the heart because I LOVE what I do! It's not a monumental difference, but I am thrilled with it.

Now sure, I could have just changed my logo and been done with revamps but I wanted to keep going. I've also been working on some things that will enhance the client relationship. I know that photography is an investment and some have to save for it and I want you all to know how much I appreciate you being a part of my life. I want anyone who books a session with me to feel special and loved....because you are! I love when I walk into a small business and am immediately greeted by warm, smiling faces. I love it when they talk to me and ask me things. I love when they tell me a little about themselves. I want to feel like they actually care about my business. I want you to know that I care about your business. From now on, when you are interested in booking a session with me, you will notice the difference. I am also working on doing the same for my wedding photography. You guys deserve the best and I want to give it to you! I wouldn't be anywhere without the people who have gotten me here and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Project 365....or 366, if you will | Southeastern, Connecticut Photographer

This year, I decided it was time for me to do something I've never done, but is done all over the photographic community.....a project 365 (but this is a leap year so +1). Every week I will come up with a new theme and every day we will post a different picture representing the theme. We're into week 2 now and I've got quite the group going with me. I have to say, even with camera phones, there are some pretty awesome shots being shared! It's so cool that I've actually had people I don't know ask to join!! I'm super stoked!
If you or anyone you know want to join in, come on over to Facebook and show us what you've got! This is open to all skill levels and like I said, even your camera phone is welcome. We don't judge, we just share inspiration. A good time is had by all and hopefully by the end of the year we will all be a little more creative, learn some cool techniques and maybe even have new friends!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Looking back at 2011:The good, the bad and the ugly | CT FAMILY, CHILD, MATERNITY PHOTOGRAPHER

I am awful at keeping up on my blog, I know this. I will try and be better at this in 2012....I promise! 

2011 definitely had its ups and downs but I am grateful for every one of them. On a personal note, the year began with one of the hardest situations I have ever had to deal with. I became a single mom. It was nothing that I had control over and nothing that I had ever expected or wanted, but I have come to really accept it and enjoy it. Of course, with that came some hard facts....1. I am not as good of a cook as I thought I was (living with a chef for my entire adult life spoiled me). 2. I HATE laundry! I will wash and dry it and sometimes even fold it, but I can almost never get that laundry basket empty. 3. Time is more precious than ever and that saying "there aren't enough hours in the day" is a HUGE understatement.

Last year also brought more snow than I've ever seen (at least that I can remember). I spent countless hours shoveling while my kids gave me pep talks through the baby monitor I had under my coat. All I have to say is, there are still good people in the world who are more than willing to help someone who is struggling. When I say "ugly", the never-ending snow is what I mean....
Spring came with a family trip to Virginia to see a friend. It was a 3-car caravan going and was so much fun.  Being the beach-lover that I am, that was definitely my favorite part. Just basking in that wonderfully warm sun in the first week of that's the life!

Summer had my first trip to Block Island and also the longest I had ever spent without my kids. A friend of mine was getting married and I got to see first hand why she loves the island so much. Her wedding was simple, yet stunning and had some amazing views.
 Summer was just a fun season in general. The sights, sounds and good times I had....

Fall seemed to come and go quickly, but we enjoyed time with friends, family and my favorite holiday....Halloween!

My business completed its second full year and brought with it new clients, some awesome portrait sessions and  weddings. I am constantly humbled that people love what I do just as much as me. Truly, I cannot express my gratitude enough to all of my clients, old and new, that have trusted me with their family moments and given me the freedom to capture them in my own way.

All along the way, I learned more about my strengths and weaknesses, my loves and hates, and everything in between.  I look forward to another fantastic year full of meeting new people and capturing some beautiful moments.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my kids have been making a mess the entire time I've been putting this together and I have a lot of work ahead of me...haha.
Thank you to everyone who helped me through 2011 and those that I have yet to meet in 2012. Happy new year to everyone!